This literary review work, had as general objective to describe the context of inventory management in the manufacturing sector, this study was conducted by comparing articles published in indexed journals, in relation to inventory management, with inclusion criteria, such as English and Spanish language, with an age range of 4 years, ie from the year 2019 to the present, taking into account the pandemic conditions of a certain period. The sources that were analyzed within this work, were selected and placed within a table for their due classification both by objectives and results, in such a way to be able to find and make a comparison in reference to the context of inventory management.
As a result, they were grouped into four groups where they are classified into "Decisions in COVID-19 times and the impact it had on the supply chain", "Systems applied for inventory management and resource utilization", "Methods applied to inventory management" and finally "Inventory policies and strategies", each group consisting of items.
It was generally concluded that the impact obtained from COVID-19, within the supply chain, led organizations to reinvent new application strategies, thus increasing productivity and resource optimization.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Antohanet Alexandra Baquerizo Vilchez, Alexander John Vega Tunquipa, Rosario Del Pilar López Padilla