Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial - ISSNe: 2961-211X

Study of the 5'S Methodology and its performance in Manufacturing Organizations: a literature review
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Lean manufacturing
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Study of the 5’S Methodology and its performance in Manufacturing Organizations: a literature review. (2022). Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial, 3(2), 02-14.


The objective of this literary review article was to highlight the effectiveness of the 5'S methodology in the different manufacturing organizations, making a comparison between the indexed articles found in academic databases, where the country, author, objectives, quartile, Lean tool were considered. among others, with an inclusion criterion which was, research based on Lean tools that mention the 5'S, with a range of 5 years old, and as an exclusion criterion, the different lean tools. managing to obtain the 5'S as a tool with the greatest impact used in the different industries. As a result, it was obtained that the 5's managed to reduce the search time in all cases, as well as the reduction of waste and finally the reduction of defects and failures, which had an impact on an increase in productivity, efficiency and effectiveness.



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