Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial - ISSNe: 2961-211X

Leadership Style and Pedagogical Management in Education for the Work of Public Institutions
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Leadership Style
Pedagogical Management
Education for Work

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Leadership Style and Pedagogical Management in Education for the Work of Public Institutions. (2025). Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial, 6(1), 02-16.


The research in question is basic and correlational, focusing on the relationship between leadership styles and pedagogical management in the educational field. A descriptive method with a correlational design was used to carry out the study. The sample was composed of 29 teachers from two secondary level educational institutions with a technical variant, belonging to the UGEL Junín. The main objective of this research is to determine the relationship between leadership styles and pedagogical management specifically in the context of education for work in these educational institutions. The data were obtained through the use of the Leadership Styles Questionnaire (CELID-A), as well as through a pedagogical management questionnaire. These instruments allowed to collect the necessary information to analyze the relationship between leadership styles and pedagogical management in the context of the research. In conclusion, it was found that the transformational leadership style is directly related to pedagogical management, evidenced by a value of r = 0.750, which indicates a high and direct positive correlation. On the other hand, the laissez-faire leadership style presents an inverse relationship with pedagogical management, with a value of r = -0.787, which indicates a high negative correlation and direct inverse. In contrast, the transactional leadership style does not show a significant relationship with pedagogical management, suggesting a low negative correlation. The transformational leadership style is the one that predominates in the Pedagogical Management in education for work of the educational institutions of the UGEL Junín. This approach is characterized by its ability to inspire and motivate teachers, promoting an environment of collaboration and continuous improvement in educational processes.

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