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Occupational health and safety plan for the construction sector in Latin America and Asia, 2023
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Health and safety plan

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Occupational health and safety plan for the construction sector in Latin America and Asia, 2023. (2024). Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial, 5(2), 19-32.


The main objective of this article was to discern the importance of the Occupational Health and Safety Plan - PSST. Likewise, it had a single variable, which is aimed at the construction sector exactly for the Ibero-American region and Asia, 2023, which includes Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries, in addition to the countries of the Asian continent, in order to find research that reveals the effect of the Occupational Health and Safety Plan in the construction sector. On the other hand, the methodology that has been used allows obtaining qualitative data, which could be helpful in various investigations after this. Likewise, the population that was evaluated was the scientific research articles related to the construction sector and that are related to an Occupational Health and Safety Plan. In the same way, the sample that has been selected would include the articles of the sector in Latin America and Asia, 2023. Among the main results, the vast information of articles belonging to the countries of Malaysia and Indonesia was located, however, among the universe of countries, factors such as management, costs, training and execution were found that must be considered in an Occupational Health and Safety Plan - PSST.

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