Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial - ISSNe: 2961-211X

Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial (July - December) 2023
New Submissions
Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial (July - December) 2023

The Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial - Professionals On Line, allows the publication of articles in all areas of Industrial Engineering and its applications; Summaries of master's and doctoral theses, technical opinions, book reviews and conference articles are also published after acceptance by the Editorial Committee.
The magazine is published biannually in Spanish, Portuguese and English in digital format, the latter presentation being free. The articles that are submitted to the arbitration of the INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING journal must be original and unpublished, and cannot be submitted for simultaneous consideration of evaluation in another academic or professional journal, nor may they have been partially or totally published in another journal. The received articles are subjected to a review of similarities, with the Turnitin software: up to two continuous lines of similarity with another document are accepted.


Jorge Nelson Malpartida Gutiérrez


James Kevin Atanacio Becerra, Victoria Ysabel Bringas Rios
02 - 06
Training of staff in health sector companies in the Covid-19 pandemic
PDF (Spanish)
Jhair André Dávila Velásquez, Victoria Ysabel Bringas Rios
07 - 13
Organizational Culture in Latin American SMEs, 2016 - 2023
PDF (Spanish)
Samuel Alberto Quispe Jayta, Victoria Ysabel Bringas Rios
14 - 19
Organizational communication in the logistics sector, 2010 – 2023
PDF (Spanish)
Víctor Hugo Guadalupe Mori, Sergio Gonzalo Gojan Bedoya Huaraya, Aureliano Sánchez García, Luis Antonio Usquiano Cárdenas, Even Deyser Pérez Rojas, Milciades Roberto Esparza Silva, José Antonio Ogosi Auqui, Ronald Martin Vera Cuya
20 - 27
Improving English language skills through the implementation of entertaining activities in primary school students
PDF (Spanish)
Víctor Hugo Guadalupe Mori, Milton Víctor Ore Flores, Aureliano Sánchez García, Luis Antonio Usquiano Cárdenas, Even Deyser Pérez Rojas, Milciades Roberto Esparza Silva, José Antonio Ogosi Auqui, Ronald Martin Vera Cuya
28 - 35
Research and application of low-energy wireless technologies in the Internet of Things
PDF (Spanish)