Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial - ISSNe: 2961-211X

Web System as support to the Management of Tutoring in the University Careers: Case Study: EPIS - UNH
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Web system
Attendance control
Management of tutorials

How to Cite

Web System as support to the Management of Tutoring in the University Careers: Case Study: EPIS - UNH. (2023). Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial, 4(1), 21-27.


The present investigation Web System as support to the Management of Tutorials in University Careers had as purpose to demonstrate the influence of the web system in the management of tutorials of the professional career of Systems Engineering of the National University of Huancavelica. It is an investigation of the applied type of descriptive level, as a procedure to contrast the hypotheses the test of comparison of means t-Student was used, for related samples, using the direct observation technique. As a result, the hypothesis can be verified with a significance of 0.5, giving a P-value = 0.00. Concluding that there is a difference between the indicators of the tutorial management variable before and after implementing the web system, proving that the use of a web system is beneficial in the management of tutorials in university careers.

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Copyright (c) 2023 Vanessa Huamán Rojas, John Fredy Rojas Bujaico