The objective of this article was to present the results of a systematic review of the scientific literature to find information in both international and national scientific articles to discover the effects of the application of Occupational Safety and Health in production and production companies. To achieve this objective, a systematic and organized investigation of studies related to the purpose of the article was carried out, in which the benefit of implementing OSH in companies is evidenced, knowing the difficulties or challenges to carry out its execution, its relation to job performance and the problems it presents with SMEs. For which the following question was raised: What are the effects of the application of OSH in production and service companies? For this, a search and selection of studies with their respective legibility was initiated; in other words, an analysis with systematic procedures for the recognition, selection and evaluation of all important research. The contribution of the research is aimed at highlighting the benefits of being able to implement OSH and its direct relationship with the increase in productivity in companies.
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