Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial - ISSNe: 2961-211X

5’S methodology in the manufacturing sector
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lean manufacturing
manufacturing sector

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5’S methodology in the manufacturing sector. (2024). Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial, 5(2), 42-54.


This study aims to present the results of a systematic review of scientific literature by collecting information from international and national articles to recognize how the 5S methodology improves the manufacturing sector. To achieve this study a systematic and organized search was applied with studies that are related to our research topic with which it can be observed that currently how the manufacturing sector has been improving by making processes more efficient with the 5S tool. With which the following question has been raised: How does the 5S methodology improve the manufacturing sector? For this reason, we proceeded to search and separate articles that are not relevant to the study, selecting reliable and authorized pages, defining the search process, the evaluation and selection of the most relevant articles. The contribution of this study focuses on identifying the activities and strategies to be carried out to improve the implementation of the 5S methodology in the manufacturing sector.

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