Kaizen Methodology: literature review and implementation analysis





Kaizen, Manufacturing, Productivity, Lean Manufacturing


This systematic review research article includes the Kaizen methodology in the Food sector, this tool is very important because it helps to better manage production processes, optimizing all resources and constantly improving their quality. Either with new strategies that give them greater stability in the market or through innovation thanks to globalization, resulting in greater profitability. For the present investigation, a collection of information from indexed bases such as REDALYC, DIALNET, GOOGLE, SCIENCEDIRECT, SCIELO, SCOPUS was developed, in these bases 50 investigations were selected, criteria were applied in relation to the subject language, year and type of publication, being These 50 investigations 50 scientific articles, the most outstanding of these investigations are that 40% of what I found was related to the research topic that is Kaizen in the manufacturing industry, then 32% were Lean Manufacturing research in the industry, and 28% on Kaizen in any organization.

Where I come to the conclusion that the practice of the Kaizen method in the manufacturing sector is quite beneficial and of great importance for companies of all kinds from the smallest to multinationals, thanks to its classification, order and discipline, generating improvement continuous organizations.


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How to Cite

Kaizen Methodology: literature review and implementation analysis. (2022). Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial, 3(2), 26-35. https://doi.org/10.47422/jstri.v3i2.28


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