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Prevention of occupational accidents based on occupational safety and health, a bibliographic review in Latin America of the last ten years
New submissions



Safety and health at work
Accident prevention
Boolean method

How to Cite

Prevention of occupational accidents based on occupational safety and health, a bibliographic review in Latin America of the last ten years. (2022). Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial, 3(1), 02-09.


The purpose of this review article was to identify, analyze, compare and define scientific research on prevention of occupational accidents based on occupational safety and health, a bibliographic review in Latin America of the last ten years, the methodology that the Boolean method and the advanced search were used to find the variables and that they are consistent with our research, the main search engines or databases were SCIELO, REDALYC, DIALNET and DOAJ, to consolidate our research 25% was collected of articles in English, therefore, 42 scientific articles referring to the subject of study were obtained, of which 19 were included to prepare our review article and 23 were excluded, these articles were from the last ten years, in conclusion this study was able to know the problematic reality of the companies, of which several do not comply with the stipulations On the other hand, according to the regulations established in each country, safety and health at work is one of the most efficient, efficient and effective alternatives to prevent occupational accidents, therefore it must be complied with, consequently we will have safe workers and a labor well-being that Beneficiary to the worker, company and society.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Rosa Edith Córdova Vilcapoma, Walter José Ramos López, Ronald Fernando Dávila Laguna