Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial - ISSNe: 2961-211X

5s methodology applied to inventory management
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Inventory management
Organization and company

How to Cite

5s methodology applied to inventory management. (2021). Journal of Scientific and Technological Research Industrial, 2(1), 05-07.


The company as an organization must maintain internal order, both in human resources, general resources and collaborators, inventory is considered a fundamental part of production in an organization, which must also be regulated. Various methodologies allow an organization to maintain internal order, however, it is necessary that it can be adapted to organizational needs. The application of the 5s methodology allows the organization to operate with the necessary resources, preserve the collaborators, be organized, which entails sustaining a high level of productivity over time, these factors are relevant applied in inventory management.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Mayumi Guendi Espinoza Santos, Atilio Rodolfo Buendia Giribaldi, Miguel Antonio Rojas Quispe, Leonidas Manuel Bravo Rojas, Graciela Chela Quispe Gonzales, Oshin Silva Sánchez