The SMEs are organizations that are framed in the need to achieve continuous development, through competitiveness, strategies and objectives. The purpose of the research is to demonstrate the potential of the Balance Scorecard tool as an alternative for the development of SMEs. The result obtained shows that the 4 pillars on which the Balance Scorecard is based are useful for small companies, as well as for industries. In conclusion, including the Balance Scorecard tool in the strategic planning of SMEs will allow them to lay solid foundations for their future growth and achieve competitiveness in the market and promote innovation as a differentiating factor.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Jorge Rafael Diaz Dumont, Atilio Rodolfo Buendia Giribaldi, Miguel Antonio Rojas Quispe, Lucia Hiroko Tosso Pineda, Gianmarco Garcia Curo, Erika Mirella Gutierrez Sullca